When deciding which type of birth control to use…
you’ll need to consider issues such as the effectiveness, which is different for each type of birth control. Our doctors can help with some decisions based on your medical history and pelvic exam. You can also count on getting a full explanation of any side effects that may be relevant to your health.
However, other factors are more individualized. You’ll need to think about when you’ll want children, some methods can be reversed more quickly than others. Another issue to consider is whether you’ll remember to insert a barrier method every time you have sex or whether you’d prefer not to use hormones.
Birth control is a key element in family planning, how many children you wish to have, and when to have them. There is more to family planning than just birth control. Comprehensive family planning includes other factors that influence your chance of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby. It’s important to know that after 35 years of age your chance of getting pregnant seriously begins to decline.
The physicians at OBGYN Associates of Des Moines offer preconception counseling and we’ll look for any health and lifestyle concerns that might negatively affect future pregnancies. Schedule an appointment with our office and talk with your doctor and see which type of birth control is right for you:
- Intrauterine Device (IUD)
- Oral Contraceptives
- Hormone patch
- Hormone shots
- Birth Control Implant (Nexplanon)
- Vaginal ring
- Tubal Ligation Surgery
Making a birth control choice sounds simple – and it can be. It’s also important to consider when you’ll want to have children, what type of birth control you’re comfortable with, and other health factors. The doctors at OBGYN Associates of Des Moines can help you with information, guidance, and medical care you will need to make the best decision. Contact us to schedule an appointment at any of our locations.